


所有SPFC教师都从事研究工作, 在国内外学术会议上发表学术论文, 撰写科学出版物(文章), 章, 或书). 手稿通常包括本科生和研究生作为共同作者.

Faculty research interests vary widely and include topics such as psychosocial adjustment to chronic illness, 志愿服务心理学与服务学习, 妇女的健康, 压力, 和正念, 父母教养对儿童情绪控制的影响, 神学, 耻辱, 心理健康, 家庭咨询中的戏剧疗法, 族群认同与族群冲突, 青春期女孩的抑郁症, 自闭症儿童的发展, 协作医疗中的灵性, 高危青少年的药物滥用, 创伤心理学, 组织中的有效指导, 领导力发展, 和更多的. 赌博十大靠谱软件邀请您来探索赌博十大靠谱软件SPFC教师简介页面 了解他们的研究兴趣和成果.



Dr. 菲利普·米. Baker leads this collaborative and motivated group of researchers interested in understanding how the brain reduces complex information into 行为 choices. 要做到这一点, we manipulate the circuitry of the brain in animal models to understand the contributions of brain areas to reducing external stimuli into internal representations of choices that ultimately guide decision-making. Much of our work is hands on with our animals models in addition to wet lab work which requires a consistent commitment to the lab for a minimum of two quarters. 


指导:博士. 珍妮Vaydich, 心理学院的儿童和青少年实验室, 家庭, and 社区 at 好的赌博软件推荐 explores the influence of parent-child relationships and interactions on child and adolescent emotion regulation development. We are particularly interested in parent-child relationships and parental emotion socialization during childhood and adolescence. Previous projects have focused on aggression; however, more recent projects have examined the influence of parent-child relationships on symptoms of depression and anxiety. 具体而言,目前的项目探讨:

• The influence of parent-adolescent conflict on adolescent mental and physical health


• Parental attachment relationships and disordered eating during late adolescence



Social development refers to the way children and youth become adult members of families, 社区, 和文化. 在文化中 & 社会发展实验室博士. Oscar Baldelomar leads a research team in studying how various aspects of social development (identity, 文化适应, social cognition and inter-group relationships) occur in diverse populations and across different cultural settings. 了解文化在社会发展中的作用, 研究助理参与设计, 在美国进行的各种研究项目的执行和沟通.S. 和哥斯达黎加. 以下是赌博十大靠谱软件目前的项目:

  • SPU体验项目: Examines longitudinally the intersection of cognitive development and spiritual formation in SPU students, 对少数民族给予特别关注.
  • COVID-19预防行为的文化模型 在一个新兴成人的国际样本中. 
  • Effects of Social Change on the Social Development of indigenous Bribri and Cabecar Youth in Costa Rica: 这是一个研究家庭关系的暑期项目, 身份的形成, 心理健康 are impacted by the technological change experienced by indigenous youth in Bribri and Cabecar 社区 in the Caribbean section of Costa Rica (Latino and bilingual research assistants needed).


Dr. 凯恩斯·劳是一位心理学助理教授. As the principle investigator of the Clinical 研究 in Self Injury and Suicide (CRISIS) lab at SPU, she is interested in understanding the dynamic changes and interplay between ecological, 情感, 行为, and biological systems that lead to the development of suicidal thoughts and progression into lethal suicidal behavior. Dr. Law’s existing body of research integrates a diverse range of measurements such as self-report questionnaires, 半结构化访谈, 疼痛耐受性任务, 行为的任务, 和心理生理学.

研究 assistants will be able to gain experience with running research participants through laboratory procedures, 使用心理生理学数据, 参与自杀研究的准备和报告. 研究 assistants should expect to commit 8 hours to laboratory work including attendance at weekly lab meetings. 给n the amount of training needed to fully participate in the research being conducted in Dr. 劳的实验室,需要3 / 4的时间.


Dr. Paul Youngbin Kim is interested in 心理 processes impacting Asian and Asian American 社区. 具体来说,博士. 金审视了文化, 心理, and structural influences on the help-seeking attitudes of Asians and Asian Americans, with the goal of making mental health service more accessible to those 社区. Dr. 金写过赌博十大靠谱软件当代形式的种族主义的文章.g.(种族微侵犯)及其与福祉的联系. He is also committed to highlighting the 心理 experiences of sojourning individuals, 如国际学生或第三文化儿童(tck).


Dr. 贝恩·克拉夫特是一位专门研究动物行为的实验心理学家, 学习, 和认知. 在学习和认知实验室,学生们与博士一起工作. 学习与选择和决策有关的问题. 例如, 该实验室最近研究了奖励质量的变化是如何发生的, 高热量食物)会影响危险行为. 作为实验室的研究助理, 学生将进行文献综述, 讨论选择和决策的模型, 收集数据, 分析数据, 并可能有机会在区域和国家会议上展示数据. Undergraduate research assistants are required to take a minimum of 3 credits per quarter of 2361 or 4970, 参加每周的实验室会议, 并承诺至少有2 / 4的时间参与研究团队. 


道德情感和内隐偏见实验室,由Dr. 汤姆的木匠, 检视道德情绪(内疚)的心理, 羞愧, 自我宽恕)和内隐偏见(例如.g.种族偏见). Dr. 卡朋特的实验室从所有人都会搞砸的角度出发, 偶尔伤害他人或做出不道德的行为, 并且怀有赌博十大靠谱软件从社会上学到的内在偏见. 赌博十大靠谱软件目前正在关注相关问题,例如:

•人们如何看待自己的错误? 具体来说,内疚和羞耻的感觉


•为什么人们有时会遵循自己的信仰和价值观,有时却不会? 这是如何受情绪影响的呢?

人们从社会中内化了哪些偏见.g.,围绕社会类别,如种族)? 赌博十大靠谱软件如何才能最好地研究这些偏见?

研究 assistants are required to register for 3 credits of 2361 or 4970 each quarter, 参加每周的实验室会议, 并承诺在研究团队中至少占四分之三, 虽然可能会做出一些调整.


指导:博士. 布列塔尼Tausen, the 社会认知实验室 is dedicated to investigating how people think about themselves and other people as well as the downstream consequences of these mental processes. 目前,博士. Tausen and her students are investigating the causes and consequences of dehumanization – the tendency to deny other people complex emotions and mental processes. Ongoing projects in the lab cover topics such as: 1) What negative behaviors are reliably associated with perceiving others as less human than oneself? 2) How can intergroup contact be leveraged to reduce the dehumanization of marginalized group members (e.g.(无家可归的人)?

社会认知实验室的研究助理将收集和分析数据, 进行文献综述, 并参与研究的准备和报告. Students who wish to participate in the 社会认知实验室 are required to register for 3 credits of 2361 or 4970 each quarter, 参加每周的实验室会议, 并承诺至少有四分之三的人参与研究团队.


Dr. Marcia Webb’s research interests over the years have focused upon the potential interplay between Christian religiosity and psychopathology. 她研究了创伤和宗教信仰之间的联系, 以及心理虐待的变量, 内疚, 羞耻感与宗教信仰和宽恕的关系. More recently, she conducted empirical research focused on 耻辱 about mental illness in the church.

Dr. 韦伯是这本书的作者, 走向心理障碍神学. 在这篇文章中, 她描述了目前教会对精神疾病态度的研究, 圣经的方法可能有助于纠正宗教污名. Her present scholarship is devoted to the theoretical integration of psychology and Christian faith, 特别是在精神障碍方面. 与博士一起工作的学生. Webb will be expected to have an interest and aptitude for study focused on this integration.